How to Boost Libido: 10 Ways to Enhance Sex Drive

how to boost libido

Sex is one of the most exciting parts of life, and few people would debate that. It’s a thrilling release that brings two people together and creates a sense of intimacy that’s hard to match otherwise, and of course, it feels great.

So, what happens when your body just isn’t trying anymore? For some reason, even though you love sex, you’re just not in the mood.

Well, that’s your libido taking a dip, and it can be frustrating for you and your partner.

Here are 10 ways to enhance your sex drive and boost your libido to solve that problem.

1. Increase Circulation

One of the most common physical causes of a lack of libido and poor sexual performance is poor circulation. If you take a moment to think about it, it makes a lot of sense, too.

While much of your sexual desire is mental and hormonal, your genitals play a big part in kickstarting the party. Unfortunately, they require quite a bit of blood flow to function properly.

Doing things that increase your circulation can help dramatically, and you’ll notice that there’s an overlap with several of our other tips.

2. Stabilize Your Mood in a Healthy Manner

As we said, a lot of your libido is attached to your mental state. If you’re depressed, angry, or otherwise mentally in a bad spot, you’re less likely to get in the mood for sex.

One of the best ways to solve this problem is to take some time and handle whatever is stressing you. Get away from stress, enjoy things that make you happy, and generally get your mind off of the various problems you face. You’ll notice that you’re a lot more willing to “perform” if you’re in a good mood.

3. Stabilize Your Hormones

You know when you hit puberty and your hormones went nuts? Well, that can happen at various times and for various reasons in adulthood, too. That greatly impacts your libido.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of causes for hormone imbalances, and it can be hard to pinpoint a proper solution. Some of the other tips we provide will help, but if you have other hormone-related issues that aren’t resolved with our other tips, you might need to speak to a medical professional.

4. Exercise

Exercise can help with all three of the tips we’ve covered thus far. When you exercise properly and maintain a good exercise regimen, you put yourself in a better mood, help your body naturally regulate hormone production more effectively, and you increase circulation dramatically. So, just getting enough exercise each day can have a profound effect on your libido.Not to mention, exercising regularly will improve every part of your life. So, you get much more than just a libido boost.

5. Focus on Bonding and Non-Sexual Intimacy First

This can be a huge issue for couples. Did your relationship start with tons of wild sex and energy, and now it’s just kind of bland or barely hanging on? Well, you might have done what a lot of couples do and just started going through the motions.

In the beginning, you probably tried to “woo” your partner and spent a lot of time bonding with them outside of just having sex or going through the daily routine. That was a big reason behind your sex life being so exciting.

If you want your sex life to get back to normal, it’s time to act like you did when you first got together. Go on dates, be intimate without the intent of having sex, spend time together, and generally rebuild that bond.

You’ll be surprised how well your sex life improves with this simple step that you should enjoy doing anyway.

6. Eat Healthy

Your libido is directly tied to your overall physical health, and your physical health is directly tied to what you eat.

Your diet has a profound impact on your sexual appetite. Start eating healthy, cut out items that are heavy and loaded with garbage, drink lots of water, and generally do all the things the doctor will tell you at your annual physical.

If you get your body in good shape and fill it with wholesome foods, you’ll be healthier both in general and when it comes to sex.

7. Try Aphrodisiacs

Did you know some foods can naturally boost your libido? Oysters, garlic, chocolate, and even strawberries all make some people a little frisky when they eat them.

Unfortunately, these foods don’t affect everyone the same way. Oysters might work for one person, and chocolate might work for another. Some people don’t experience anything with any of the various options out there.

The best way to see if this works for you is to look at a list of aphrodisiacs and try each one to see what works for you.

8. Manage Anxiety

You can’t perform at your best if you’re basically shaking in your boots. This can happen a lot when it’s your first time with someone or it’s been a long time. You have to manage that anxiety and relax a bit, or your body might just refuse to get in the mood.

A big part of this is getting comfortable with someone before you start having sex with them, but even then, you might have performance anxiety. Especially if it’s not something you’ve done with them before. Take your time, ease into it, and keep in mind that it’s supposed to be a fun experience. Not a job interview.

9. Lots of Foreplay

Foreplay is often overlooked, but it can help you get over any little speedbumps you have. It can get you aroused, help with anxiety, and generally make the experience more exciting.

10. Use a Libido Enhancer

Of course, sometimes you need a little nudge. That’s what a libido enhancer is for. A libido enhancer can help with all the core tips we gave, and it can provide a number of other benefits such as enhanced stamina.

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A libido enhancer is a great option even if you’re enjoying the other lifestyle changes we listed, but you need a good one. Kinki is all-natural, safe, and for everyone.

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