Sex Enhancement for Couples: 10 Tips for a More Intimate Relationship

sex enhancement for couples

When you started your relationship, you were both probably on fire and passionate about intimacy. However, over time, it is extremely common for that fire to fizzle out a bit. There are a lot of reasons for this. There can be an emotional disconnect, stress from everyday life might be getting in the way, or after a really long time, it might have become a little boring.

The good news is that it’s normal, and you don’t have to move on or even accept it for what it is. There are plenty of sexual enhancement strategies you can use to feel that passion again and add a ton of spark back to your sex life.

Here are 10 sexual enhancement strategies to help you get started.

1. Try New Things

One thing that can happen is that, after many years, you might have just done the same thing so much that you’re not getting the same level of excitement out of sex as you did when you and your partner first got together. Even pizza gets a little boring if you eat it every day, after all.

Kinki sex chocolate, which we’ll talk about later, is a great option for this. You can also choose to learn and try new positions, experiment with toys, roleplay, and similar things, or even just try to do it somewhere other than the bedroom. Spice things up and keep it fresh if sex is starting to feel a little boring.

Of course, this is also the strategy that is going to require deep communication between you and your partner. Unlike some of the other things we’ll talk about, you have to know each other’s boundaries and understand each other’s desires rather than just pushing the things you want, etc.

2. Focus More on Foreplay

In the beginning, things probably felt a lot more romantic, you didn’t know each other as well sexually, and you likely spent a fair amount of time just goofing off before really getting down to business. If you’re like many couples, you’ve probably started skipping a lot of foreplay and getting right to the hot and heavy part as you’ve gotten more comfortable.

Well, that ruins intimacy when it becomes a routine. It’s part of taking what was once a passionate bonding experience for the two of you and turning it into an exercise.

The easy way to fix it? Slow down and enjoy foreplay again. Try some Kinki chocolate together, play around while its effects intensify, and generally get back into the mood to explore each other rather than mount up like crazed animals right away.

3. Spending Time Together IS Sexual Enhancement

Not all sexual enhancement strategies actually involve sex. Sometimes, your sex life starts to fall apart because the emotional connection starts to wane a little bit.

Well, you want to recapture that. Spend more time together, go out on dates regularly, make memories that aren’t sexual, and try to get out of your daily routine a bit. As you two do that, your emotional connection will strengthen again, and assuming there aren’t other reasons sex isn’t as intense lately, you should start having a lot more sex.

4. Reduce Stress

Being an adult is a royal pain, and unfortunately, we all get really stressed out. That stress can wreck your sex life and leave both of you uninterested.

There are multiple ways to help reduce stress and get you both back in the mood.

First and foremost, you can try Kinki sex chocolate. It’s formulated with stress-relieving ingredients on top of all the more libido-based effects. So, just a piece shortly before sex, and you’ll feel that stress melt away.

You can also take time apart to focus on your most relaxing hobbies, do something relaxing together like take a spa day, or anything else that’s going to take that stress off your shoulders.

5. Plan it Out

Planning your sex life doesn’t sound very romantic or intimate, but let’s face it. We all have busy schedules. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with work schedules, chores, and everything else, and then there’s no time left for intimacy.

As odd as it sounds, you just have to set the time aside to do it and stick to it. It might be odd at first, but it can also add some excitement as anticipation builds up to that moment.

This also helps with your Kinki routine. You need to take it 15 to 30 minutes before sex, and that’s a lot easier to do when you know it’s coming.

6. Tell Your Partner What You Want

Not being satisfied with sex can cause you to lose enthusiasm for it. You or your partner might have desires that aren’t being fulfilled, and that makes sex disappointing. Tell your partner about that new thing you want to do, and encourage them to open up, too.

This goes along with spicing things up and curing sexual boredom like we talked about earlier.

7. Try Aphrodisiacs

Have you ever heard about how oysters, strawberries, and other foods can kick your libido into overdrive? Well, it’s true. It doesn’t work for everyone, but sit down with your partner, try a few to see what works, and when you find the right option for you, maybe slip that into dinner or dessert a few times per week.

8. Exercise Together

Exercising together can help with a lot of the issues we’ve talked about. Beyond getting in shape, you’ll both reduce stress, bond, enhance your mood, and balance your hormones out.

Even with Kinki and other options on this list, this small lifestyle change is important.

9. Use Ashwagandha and Maca Roots

Ashwagandha and maca roots are two natural ingredients that have helped enhance the sex lives of couples for thousands of years. They also help with hormone balance, stress, and other issues.

10. Make Kinki a Part of Your Sex Life

Kinki is a sex chocolate made with all-natural sex enhancement ingredients to take your fizzled-out sex life and kick it into overdrive. If you and your partner take it together about 15 minutes before sex, you’re going to have the best sex of your life.

Order Your Kinki Today!

All of the tips we gave can help you enhance your sex life, but Kinki is the perfect supplement for almost everyone.

Try it for yourself at Try Kinki today!

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