Libido Enhancers: What Ingredients Should They Have?

libido enhancer ingredients

Sexual enhancements are nothing new. Sex is such a huge part of everyones life that people have been doing whatever they can to make it better since civilization started. From scented oils and certain foods in the past, to modern pills, pumps, and contraptions, there are tons of options available.

However, they’re not all good. Some are ineffective or only help a small fraction of people, and some are outright dangerous.

Today, we have libido enhancers, and they have proven to offer all the great stuff without any of those drawbacks. They still need to be high-quality, and you should know what’s in them to know you’re getting the real deal, though.

Here’s a guide to what you should look for in a libido enhancer.

What is a Libido Enhancer?

A libido enhancer is along the same lines as traditional aphrodisiac sex enhancers, but they’re commercially manufactured by professionals to ensure you get the desired effect. Usually, these are treats like our popular Kinki sex chocolate.

Is a Libido Enhancement a Pharmaceutical?

No. Libido enhancers are the opposite of pharmaceuticals. They’re designed to naturally boost your sex drive and give you all the tools you need for a long, hard, night of intimacy and fun time.

We’re going to talk about individual ingredients soon, but always make sure your libido enhancer has natural ingredients. When you read the label, it should be like reading the label at a local health food store. Not like reading the back of a medicine bottle with a bunch of stuff you’re afraid to even Google or long lists of side effects and warnings.

What Ingredients Are Right for Libido Enhancers?

Libido enhancers are rarely designed solely to boost your sex drive. A great libido enhancer will aim to boost your entire sexual experience. As such, there are typically several ingredients you should look for.

Here are the ones we recommend and believe make the best libido enhancer possible.

1. Dhea

Dhea is a natural hormone balancer, and its often used to help curb the symptoms of menopause. Primarily, this is used in libido enhancers because people over the age of 30 tend to start seeing declining hormone levels. This impacts mood and sexual desire, and a little Dhea helps correct that. In general, it helps balance your mood so youre mentally and emotionally ready to have some fun.

2. Maca Root

This is an essential ingredient for any good libido enhancer. While it doesn’t directly increase your arousal levels or create a physical change, it boosts your energy levels considerably. Consider it the “energy drink” of the sex world. With Maca Root, you’re not just going to get aroused. Youre going to get aroused and have the energy to make the most of the moment.

It’s a lot like being 21 again.

3. Ashwagandha

Did you know that one of the major reasons adults of all ages tend to lack sex drive is stress? Let’s face it. We live in a stressful world. While sex is great, it’s difficult to get home from a 12-hour shift and then have the energy to have enthusiastic sex.

Well, Ashwagandha helps with that.

Ashwagandha primarily relieves stress. With that burden off your shoulders, you’ll be in a much better place mentally to put all your attention on pleasure. Since stress is also the primary cause of premature satisfaction, Ashwagandhas calming effect can help you calm your nerves a bit and enjoy the moment longer. As an added bonus, it is proven to boost your arousal levels, as well. So, you get two great benefits from one ingredient.

4. Longjack Root

Longjack Root is one you’ll certainly be glad to see if you happen to have something long of your own. If you get what we mean. This root is primarily used to boost your testosterone levels.

This is a big issue around the age of 40, and it plays a big part in declining sexual arousal for people in that age range. You can boost your own testosterone levels with proper diet and exercise, but a little nudge from Longjack Root can send you into sexual overdrive.

This boost to your testosterone levels helps with your libido and it helps increase your performance.

5. Rhodiola

If you ask anyone what their primary complaint is about their partner or their own performance, they’re likely to say “endurance”. If you cant keep going, your long night of passion quickly turns into 15 minutes of fun.

Rhodiola helps with that. It’s an herb that has been used for thousands of years to boost both physical and mental endurance, and it happens to boost your arousal, as well.

6. Red Ginseng

Red ginseng is a variety of ginseng roots that you’ve likely seen in teas and many other foods and drinks. Well, this red variety has some sexual benefits.

It helps boost your vitality, increases the quality of your blood circulation, and makes you more sensitive to pleasure. All three of those are crucial for a great sex experience.

Being more energetic and feeling more alive is great all around. Even outside of sex. Feeling pleasure more intensely is something no one's going to turn down in the bedroom. However, it's the circulation effect that really counts.

Circulation plays into your physical performance and endurance, and it also has a tremendous impact on your genitals regardless of your gender. So, increasing your blood flow is a crucial effect for any sex enhancement product you use.

Is a Libido Enhancer Right for Me?

If you purchase a libido enhancer made with the ingredients we listed, to a high-quality standard, a libido enhancer is most likely right for you. Almost everyone can benefit from a libido enhancer.

If youre pregnant or nursing, you don’t want to pass those ingredients down to your child through you. While perfectly safe for adults, they can affect an unborn or newborn child. If you’re on certain medications or drink regularly, you might want to speak to your doctor first.

That doesn’t mean they’re dangerous, though. Even horseradish is like that, and no one calls it dangerous.

Other than that, you should be 18 (or 21). That’s it. Your gender doesn’t matter, and you can even use it solo. It’s great for everyone.

To try a high-quality libido enhancer, try Kinki today!

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